
KaszabolásNéha csepereg az eső, ősz van, avar mindenütt. Ilyen hangulatban született meg ez a rövidke valami:


They stood there still back to back in a defensive position, blood dripping from their blades in a disharmonic manner due to their heavy panting and the occassional coughs. The attackers were all dead and the soft carpet of autumn’s fallen leaves started to drain the blodshed – the setting sun assisting to the mood with its reddened light, a last present before its temporal departure. It wasn’t a nice view, all those cut and mutilated people of fifteen met their quick and horrible death at the hands of two harmless-looking cloaked travellers.

“I believe we should start digging, shouldn’t we?” suggested the man in his mid-thirties, the first evening shadows of the forest covering half of his face.

“Why bother?” asked the girl still smiling, the fight seemed to have boosted her mood and now she was beginning to feel the positive after effects of the event. “Besides, as a first thing we should find a place to sleep, it’s getting dark and I don’t like this area. This forest is just too gloomy.”

“As all the forests around here..” he added in a tired tone. “All right, I will start digging and you go and find a decent place. Anyway, you seem to be full of energy even after all this massacre so you are better suited to the task.”

“Look who’s talking,” she giggled “one of your swings and four people down.”

“Enough!” he beamed, an interesting mixture of embarrasment, modesty, amusement, pride and piety lurking in his voice. “We should respect the fallen, be it friend or foe!” After a pause he went on, turning around so that he could see her. “By the way, for whom do you think they worked? Definitely not for the Duke of Ninety Cities, he assured us that we may pass his lands unharmed when we had this erm.. official meeting of ours.”

“They may be just your random band of thugs.” she said carelessly, also turning around.

“With all these sophisticated weapons?” he pointed at one of the swords of unique craftsmanship, lying on the ground. “I wouldn’t assume. Besides, what about their uniforms?” he said standing in a pool of shades. Twilight was inexorably giving way to the darkness.

“Delve and do not speculate, oh mighty warrior.” she said somewhat tauntingly with a wide smile on her face. “I’m off to scout around, you can find the spade and some flint in the saddlebags of out poor horses.” With that said she suddenly disappeared in the woods.

“Little witch..” he grumbled smiling and stepped towards their lifeless rides.

2 Responses to “Autumn”

  1. Mac says:

    wordpress yay \o/
    es commentelni is lehet vegre XD

  2. Zetto says:

    Örülök, hogy tetszik! Az irka nagyon vacak? Épp esett egy kicsit, amikor ihletet kaptam egy hétvégi ébredés folyamán..