History lesson

zöld meg kék An old man comes towards me on the street, mumbling something I can't really make out. He extends a hand, I take it and shake it and say hi. (he holds it firmly and doesn't really seem to have the intention of letting it go)
O: American?
M: No, Hungarian.
O: Sorry?
M: Hun-ga-ri-an
O: Oh, Budapest
M: Yes. – I nod, intentionally skipping the part where I have to explain where exactly my home city in Hungary is..
O: fktrsns
M: Pardon?
O: Fook the Russians
M: … – I smile and nod slightly. It's a nice thing they know about our ordeals, I do not have the heart to let him down by telling him we are more or less free of external oppression now. We shake hands again, I say "It was nice to meet you.". He says "Thank you!" and we part.

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