Archive for April, 2009

.emotion { overflow: hidden; }

Thursday, April 2nd, 2009

I brought the car to a halt in front of our gate at 02:14:39AM, without stopping the engine. Then I temporarily opened the primary, secondary and tertiary defence lines before parking in. Once I gathered all my stuff from the boot and securely closed each aforementioned divider, I headed towards the door to our house. Upon opening the door, my puppy, Sora-chan hopped into my arms, crying on – in spite of my efforts to comfort her. “Where have you been? Today we ditched our stroll in the park, playing in the garden, fetching the ball. I missed you!” – she said. Witnessing a display of such a depth of devotion towards me has kicked me out of balance for a short space of time – figuratively speaking, of course 🙂

Doggy pix here

..and here